Vintage car hire without driver in Verona

The Valpolicella in vintage cars

Valpolicella in auto d'epoca

Valpolicella lies in the heart of the province of Verona, it is composed of three valleys with clear geographical differences, passing from the plain to the mountains. It is imbued with rich history, Dante Alighieri stayed there for some years, its landscapes inspired him to compose the Divine Comedy. In Valpolicella there are Palladian Villas and Austrian fortifications that colour the valleys together with vineyards and olive trees.

What to visit:

Famous worldwide for its culture and the production of fine wines, it welcomes warmly tourists and enthusiasts who spend time here mainly in summer and autumn, a time of harvest and beautiful colours.

The rich offer of hotels and restaurants make it a living and always moving territory, where you will never get bored. A vintage car is ideal for visiting such beautiful and characteristic places.
We remain at your disposal for any further information, we will provide you with all the material necessary to plan your tour.

Contact us to learn more.

Our cars:


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Classic Drive Noleggio
di Davide Graziani
Via Papa Giovanni Paolo 1°, 8 - 37029 Pedemonte - San Pietro In Cariano (VR)

Tel: +39 348 554 3300


Da Lunedì a Sabato 9.00 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 19.00
Domenica si riceve su appuntamento
